So VAP and I attended a birthday party for a friend yesterday. This friend is our age and is married and has two kids. So, the party was family friendly and anyone w/ kids was able to bring them. So, VAP and I ended up being the ONLY people at this party without children. EVERYONE else had kids and brought them. They were all nice cute kids, babies to toddlers, and the moms and dads were nice too, but I couldn't help feeling out of place or odd. No one really made us feel that way on purpose, but when conversation inevitably steers towards..."she's really not sleeping well lately, and she won't go down for naps...what kind of breast pump do you like best..." it's kind of hard not to feel a little out of place when you don't have kids, aren't sure if you ever will, but are sure you won't have any kids any time soon.
The thing is, after having gone to about 15 weddings in the past 24 months, including our own, we are about to be thrust into this lifestyle. Where your friends who have kids start getting new friends with kids and then they all hang out with each other and those kids, and where does that leave the childless couples? Now I know a lot of groups of friends go through this with married vs. unmarried couples and some people fall off the face of the earth once they get married or only hang out with the other married couples, but I think we have done ok staying social and seeing everyone when we can. I'm just a little interested [maybe worried] about seeing how this new thing [babies] could affect our group of friends.
At least one friend is expecting and that is really exciting too. This will be the first close friend who will be having a baby and I'm excited to give little baby gifts and hear all about the process and see her go through it. All rambling above aside, I think it will be cool and eye opening to see someone go through this first hand. I'm sure VAP and I will figure more out about what we think we want in the kids department as we see other people experience it. And I know that you will never be ready for such a big change in your life so you can't go around waiting until you feel ready. Still...I'm not ready!
Alright, enough of that, time to relax for the last bit of the weekend. :-D