Monday, June 29, 2009

My Moral Dilema

So Sunday I had to choose between going to church and shooting guns. I've been trying to find a church up here that I would like to go to regularly, and I haven't been in a while, so I was figuring I'd try one again Sunday. Then VAP told me that he and a bunch of friends were going to a friend's parent's house to target shoot. I've never shot a gun before, and I don't really like the idea of having them at home, but the idea of shooting at a target and attempting to be accurate intrigues me. I was a 7th and 8th grade archery champion [as was BeepsNRays!] I've always wondered if I'd be good at target shooting.

So, guns won this Sunday. I have to say, it was pretty fun. I shot a 9mm and a AR15 [I believe]. There were other guns that I did not attempt to shoot. And to make everyone feel better, we were supervised by a cop who taught me how to shoot it and stood by me while I did it. So I felt pretty safe. Again, I have no desire to have a gun in my home, and I worry about other people that do, but I wouldn't mind going to a range and trying my hand again. We didn't really check the targets after each person for accuracy, so I don't even know if I hit what I was aiming for, or anything at all for that matter.

So, here are some pictures of me looking super tough!
Now for the super big gun...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

'Garden' Update

So it's been a few weeks, here's an update on the 'garden'.
More tomatoes have sprouted, and some are even starting to look edible!
The peppers look awesome- these will eventually be red peppers [though, I did think they all come from the same plant and are just different ripenesses...]
Here's a new addition from my friend Sara. Her neighbor had lots of succulents and gave her some, so she shared. And, put this awesome plant art in, a ceramic 'stake' type thing w/ a cute flying heart. She makes lots of other ones w/ stuff on it like 'herbs,' 'basil,' and just pretty pictures. You can see them on her page here:

So hopefully I don't kill these succulents like the last ones. Who, by the way, after I ignored them for a few weeks, pretty much assuming they were dead, actually are still alive [2 of the four]. We'll see if my new found attention kills them for good.

Monday, June 15, 2009

You know you are in WV if...

You know you are in West Virginia if your GPS has to ask you if you want a route that avoids unpaved roads...and you wonder- Can I get to where I'm headed without driving on unpaved roads? VAP and I drove to Alpine Lake Resort in Terra Alta, WV this weekend for a friend's mother's 50th birthday party. At one point we were on this road and the GPS clearly didn't know where we were b/c it kept trying to get us to turn off the road where no road existed, just trees.
This is the view from our car...we thought we might never see civilization again...

Once we finally got there it was time to relax and drink and eat. A rousing game of ladder ball and some BS card games. Then off to a WV style party. It was actually pretty fun, karaoke and bbq. I think I was in bed by midnight-sad but we did start partying about 12 hours before that.
AM and I taking a break from ladder ball. You can see the cabin we stayed in behind us.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

the beauty after the storm

So, after actually "hiding" down in the basement w/ the kitties watching the news/weather at about 5 pm today, the skies cleared and looked like this by sunset.
and a few minutes later...

Monday, June 8, 2009

I want to be the kitty...

That's a MUTTS comic I found a while ago. MUTTS is awesome for anyone who has had a cat or dog, the author seems to know how to think in *cat* and *dog* and get all their intricacies-and it's super cute.

So, having two cute kitties around the house, I often come across adorable situations like this one the other day. Meatball and Betty like to sit on this chest that's in front of a window and stare outside, especially when the window is open and they can smell and hear the real world. Half the time they end up falling asleep like this. It's times like this where, I want to be the kitty. I want to be able to stare, thoughtless out the window and watch the neighborhood. I want to find a soft spot in the sun and sleep for hours, next to my best friend who likes to cuddle. I want to play by myself for hours, just by batting a bottle cap around...and when it stops moving, bat at it again just to keep get the idea.

So, beyond wanting the lazy life of a kitty sometimes...sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't rather have a job at Walmart or something, where I don't care about my job when I leave, and I don't have to worry about doing a good job, and I don't have to commute 3 hours a day. But, then I realize I sort of like my job, or at least I like doing something I think is meaningful and well, dang, it pays waayyyyyyyy better than Walmart!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Our plants are producing babies! The herbs and tomato and pepper plants we planted a few weeks ago have finally started producing veggies. I'm so proud! I've never grown anything before, so this is lamely exciting for me...and if these keep going well, I think I'll actually be sad to eat them once they're ready. More updates to come while they get bigger :-)
