Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sweater Updates

So, I'll show a few pics of the sweater, since I've been lazy about updating.
This is from a week ago after the class. The top is the collar, but I haven't started the actual collar yet [check out the link a in the post where I show the pattern link]. So that will be added later. The yellow yarn on the left and right is holding the stitches for the sleeves. I just finished the part where you put the sleeve stitches on 'waste yarn' and hold them till you wan to finish them separately later. The only stitches left on the needles are for the body.
This my current progress. Hopefully you can see how it's going to look a little now. It's a cardigan so the two cables in the center are the front. I got excited when it got to the point it actually started looking like a real sweater not just a loop of yarn on the needles.

Alright, back to the knitting while I still have some time on my hands. Hope everyone is enjoying the snow. Here's what my back deck looked like this morning.

1 comment:

  1. HOLY CRAP! Your deck was insane :-p

    PS: The sweater is really coming along... awesome!
