Monday, June 29, 2009

My Moral Dilema

So Sunday I had to choose between going to church and shooting guns. I've been trying to find a church up here that I would like to go to regularly, and I haven't been in a while, so I was figuring I'd try one again Sunday. Then VAP told me that he and a bunch of friends were going to a friend's parent's house to target shoot. I've never shot a gun before, and I don't really like the idea of having them at home, but the idea of shooting at a target and attempting to be accurate intrigues me. I was a 7th and 8th grade archery champion [as was BeepsNRays!] I've always wondered if I'd be good at target shooting.

So, guns won this Sunday. I have to say, it was pretty fun. I shot a 9mm and a AR15 [I believe]. There were other guns that I did not attempt to shoot. And to make everyone feel better, we were supervised by a cop who taught me how to shoot it and stood by me while I did it. So I felt pretty safe. Again, I have no desire to have a gun in my home, and I worry about other people that do, but I wouldn't mind going to a range and trying my hand again. We didn't really check the targets after each person for accuracy, so I don't even know if I hit what I was aiming for, or anything at all for that matter.

So, here are some pictures of me looking super tough!
Now for the super big gun...


  1. Hahaha, I love the super big gun picture. Very cool! I've been to a range with mjk before and I totally agree with I don't like the idea of having one in my home, but I do think it's important to feel comfortable around guns and to not be afraid of them.

  2. Dang Liz! You look kick-ass in those pictures (and frankly, a little scary). I'm not sure how I feel about shooting guns. They're pretty scary things...

  3. Yeah, guns scare me too, and if I were in any other situation and someone had a gun or I saw one, I wouldn't feel comfortable. But this was a controlled, safe environment and basically I thought of it as an exercise in accuracy. Like I said, when we were archery champions :-) I don't think I ever want one in my home, too many things could go wrong, but it was fun to aim at the target and see if you could hit it.
