Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I've joined the land of the sewing!

I'm back! And I'm gonna learn to sew :-) My mom dropped of my grandma's sewing machine today. It's a 13 year old Singer and it's basic but just what I need. Mom taught me how to thread it and we took it on a test run. Works fine, I just need to get some thread and get sewing. I'll finally get to finish my Snow Mum Pillow...at last. I won't have to borrow other New Wives machines and we can all sew together :-)

I'm looking forward to the project Beeps has proposed, a zippered clutch w/ a wrist-let. Can't wait. Now I have to start amassing large quantities of fabric and queue up some projects.

The only bad thing is now I have to choose between sewing and knitting, between the two the possibilities are endless!


  1. Craziness! On the same day, both you and another friend posted about having gotten sewing machines. I blame cobble cobble for all this madness. She was the first one, after all!

  2. hooray!! let's make the bags at my house in july :)
