Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Herb Garden * Update

So my plants are actually still alive, and doing quite well. Not enough to make pesto or eat a tomato yet, but still very exciting! I guess all the rain is helping [I can't forget to water them]. I hope they keep up the good pace.

Check out the progress from the post a week ago! It's amazing :-)


  1. WOW! That is a lot of progress... especially the basil. Now I'm worried that I didn't use a big enough container for my herbs.

  2. Well, me too actually. If things start looking cramped I'll think about expanding.

  3. hey, it's brook! great to see you (and CN) blogging - i'll be following you both now. :)

    the herb garden looks great - marc really wants to start one of those too. i think if i show him these pictures he'll be all over it. looking forward to watching the progress!

  4. Wow - those look amazing! I just planted some herbs in my balcony boxes this weekend - hope mine do as well as yours have in just one week (I planted basil, oregano and chives and I can hardly resist plucky at them they look so yummy). I never seem to have much luck with things I plant in window boxes - you'll have to send me some positive gardening karma for good luck!
