Friday, May 1, 2009


So, I hate yard work- mowing, weed whacking, weeding, raking, all those things. But, you get such a good feeling after you've done all that work and your yard looks good. At least for a day until the dandelions comeback. "A" and I spent an hour or so this afternoon getting new edging blocks for our planting beds. The old ones were those wooden logs that basically were becoming mulch where they sat. He pulled those up and installed these concrete ones which look pretty good. Once I get around to mulching and prettying it up I'll post a picture. Should have taken a "before" but I didn't think of that.

I went around the whole front yard with a special tool pulling up all the dandelions, that I could see anyway. It's amazing, I filled a whole bucket with them, and you know that just as many will appear tomorrow. We also bought a spreader and some special weed killer, but we have to wait until it's done raining for a few days to put it down. Our goal is for our yard to look as good as our neighbors. They always get to their weeds sooner and mow sooner and we always feel bad when our dandelion seeds blow into their yard.

A few weeks ago we planted a mini herb/veggie garden- and it's all still alive! One tomato plant, two red bell peppers, rosemary, thyme, and three basil plants. Here's what it looked like after planting. I'll post an update soon, things are getting bigger by the day. I'll be surprised if we actually get a tomato or pepper out of it, but the herbs will be fun. One day A would like to have a plot in the yard to grow veggies. I think that would be cool, but also a lot of work.


  1. I LOVE your herb garden. I still haven't gone shopping for my flowers yet. I can't wait to go! I'll probably do it one day after work this week. When I do, I'm getting some herbs too :)

  2. Yeah, I want to get more actually. They grow so easily. I'm much better at herbs than house plants. I still want to do a planter for the front porch at some point too.

  3. Psst! It's been 4 days...

    PS: I LOVE that my blog is called "cool" :)
